About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Uniaaraguaia Magazine is a quarterly electronic publication of Uniairaguaia. Its objective is to publish, upon evaluation by pairs of the editorial board or ad hoc advice, articles, points of view, abstracts, relevant essays and resulting from theoretical studies and research in the areas of administration, architecture and urbanism, biological sciences, sciences Accounting, Law, Physical Education (Bachelor), Physical Education (Degree), Environmental Engineering, Agronomic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Commercial Management, Gastronism, Journalism, Nutrition, Pedagogy and Advertising and Advertising, covering the themes or multidisciplinary research lines with directed focus Improvement of education, generation of solution to society's problems, development of professional critical sense as a source of resources for the construction of knowledge.

The manuscripts, which may be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, must be unpublished and are intended exclusively for the Uniaaraguaia Magazine, not being allowed their simultaneous presentation to another periodic, both regarding the text, as figures or tables, or in full or partially, except for preliminary submits or reports published in annals of scientific meetings.

Uniaaraguaia magazine does not assume responsibility for concepts and opinions issued by the authors of the manuscripts, because they do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the magazine's editorial committee.

From volume 15, n.1 (2020) the articles contain information about the license under which they are licensed.

Through the digital environment, Uniaaraguaia magazine seeks to disseminate relevant scientific production, free of charge, open to all interested parties.

Uniaaraguaia magazine maintains continuous flow for online submission of originals for free, according to the standards specified in the guidelines to the authors available in this site.

Peer Review Process

The manuscript will be submitted through the online system, by user registration, via Electronic Magazine Publishing System (SEER), after which the editorial board will make a prior assessment on the appropriateness of the magazine's scope and the potentiality of publication of work.

At this stage the following aspects are considered:

a) omission of authors' data in the body of text and file properties (these should be included only in the metadata and only after approval in the body of the text to ensure blind assessment),

b) adequacy to the magazine template;

c) spelling and grammatical correction. Submissions in colloquial language will not be accepted, with grammatical and/or spelling errors.

d) adequacy of the scope and focus of the magazine;
e) Originality using the Copyspider similarity verification tool.

f) presentation of the objective (s), methodology and results clearly.

If submission does not meet these criteria, it will be rejected before the merit evaluation of the content.

Once approved in this first stage, the originals are subjected to the approval of ad hoc (2 referees), nationally and internationally, by the “Duble Blind Review” system, ie the works are sent for evaluation without the identification of authorship that , in turn, should be recorded in the metadata of the Seer electronic system. The list of evaluators can be consulted on the editorial team page.

The magazine has a group of experts from Notorio Saber. The originals will be submitted to the approval of evaluators who are recognized experts on the topics dealt with. The works will be sent for evaluation without the identification of authorship.

Ad hoc evaluators follow the following guidelines:

1. Text contribution;

2. Currentity and relevance of theoretical basis;

3. Complete and adequacy of the description of the methodology used in the research;

4. Depth of discussions of the results;

5. Focus on the object in question;

6. Text quality (grammatical correction, clarity, logicity and coherence);

7. Quality of graphs, figures and illustrations;

8. Depth and relevance of the discussion of results.

The chief publisher and the editorial board are responsible for the final decision of the opinion of the article. In case of approved and in the existence of correction needs, suggestions will be sent to the authors through the online system. This process involves accepting the changes or its justification when not accepted. After publication, the main author will receive a copy of the article in PDF format.

For the publication, the texts go through the following evaluation steps:
Step 1: Analysis regarding form

This stage is the responsibility of the Editorial Commission. The texts are evaluated for their suitability to the general criteria of the magazine and the editorial line.

Step 2: Analysis by pairs regarding merit

In the second stage, the article, without the author's identification, is sent to at least two opinions from the specific thematic area of the work (members of the Advisory Board or ad hoc guests). For the appointment of the reviewers, the information available in the magazine register is considered.

Step 3: Review and adequacy of work to the magazine's rules

Once accepted for publication, the work is subjected to language review, normalization and formatting.

The editorial decision may point to the following possibilities:

Acceptance - When the manuscript presents conditions to be published without revision.
Conditioned acceptance of required revisions - when the manuscript presents conditions to be published, provided that modifications suggested by reviewers are met.
Submission sent to a new evaluation round - when the manuscript is not able to be published in the way it is, requiring substantive modifications, which requires a new round of evaluation.
Suggestion for the manuscript to be subjected to another periodic - when the manuscript is able to be published, but does not fit the scope of RTPS.
Rejection - When the article has no condition to be published on RTPS.
If the work is approved at this instance, the manuscript will be made available to two members of the External Advisory Board online. After reviewing the consultants, the manuscript will be sent to the authors with the opinion.

Subsequently, the author (s) must return the article revised to the publishers within the stipulated period.

The author (s) is (s) notified when an article is received and also when accepted or rejected for publication.

Publication Frequency

The magazine magazine Uniaaraguaia is a quarterly publication, producing three editions per year, grouped in volumes.

Usually, the first edition is published from January to April. The second, from May to August. The third, from September to December.

Open Access Policy

UNIARAGUAIA Magazine is a magazine that offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that provides free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater worldwide knowledge democratization, at no cost to the user or their institution.  Creative Commons License
This work is licensed with a license CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL

OPEN ACCESS is free to make free availability on the Internet, so that users can read, download, distribute, print, search or refer to the text Full document, process them for indexing, use them as programs entry data for software, or use them for any other legal purpose, without financial, legal or technical barrier and without requesting prior permission from the editor or author.

Uniaaraguaia magazine is available online immediately after its publication and access is free.

Journal History

The Uniaaraguaia Magazine is a quarterly electronic publication of the Uniaaraguaia University Center, which began its activities in 2011, publishing works by teachers of undergraduate and postgraduate courses Uniaraguaia University do Centro. Its objective is to publish, upon evaluation by pairs of the editorial board or ad hoc opinions, articles, points of view, abstracts, relevant essays and resulting from theoretical studies and research on education, notably in the areas of administration, architecture and urbanism, Biological Sciences, Accounting, Law, Physical Education (Bachelor Degree), Physical Education (Degree), Environmental Engineering, Agronomic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Commercial Management, Gastronism, Journalism, Nutrition, Pedagogy and Advertising, encompassing themes or research lines Multidisciplinary focused on education improvement, generation of solution to society's problems, development of professional critical sense as a source of resources for the construction of knowledge.