

Agrochemicals. Poisoning. Farmer.


Brazil is dealing with the increase in the incidence of chronic-degenerative diseases, increased cases of accidents at work, poisoning / accidents by chemical products. The objective of this research will be to understand the impacts caused by the use of pesticides on the health of Brazilian rural workers. This article had as scientific method the bibliographic revision. Brazil is the world's largest consumer of agrochemicals since 2009, with a monthly average consumption of 5.2 kg of agricultural poison per inhabitant. The main issue surrounding toxicological classification is that it basically reflects acute toxicity and does not indicate the risks of long-term diseases. Lack of knowledge of the potential risks of these products and the failure to use protective equipment during application increases the risk of contamination of farmers. The damage caused by pesticides to human health ranges from acute, chronic intoxications, malformations and alterations in human reproduction, even the presence of these substances in samples of human blood and breast milk. In 2013 there were 5,500 cases of poisoning by pesticides registered in the country. And from 2007 to 2014, 1,186 deaths were caused in Brazil due to pesticide poisoning. The farmer is misguided as to how to handle pesticides and his chance of intoxication increases when he is directed by the seller of pesticides himself.

Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Mota Stival, Faculdade Araguaia

Formação: â–¡ Especialista em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho pela Faculdade Araguaia (Goiânia-GO) - 2015/2016. â–¡ Superior Completo - Bacharel em Engenharia Agronômica pela Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UEG (UnU Palmeiras de Goiás) - 2009/2013. â–¡ Bolsista do CNPq pelo projeto de Pesquisa “Qualidade física e caracterização pedológica de um Latossolo submetido a diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo de pastagens e mata nativa†- UEG - 2012/2013. Histórico Profissional: â–¡ Prefeitura Municipal de Trindade - Eng. Agrônomo - 2015. Concursado lotado na Secretaria Municipal do Meio Ambiente (SEMMA), Analista de Licenciamento Ambiental. Faz o Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) na comunidade. Vistoria áreas no âmbito ambiental. â–¡ JRC Engenharia e Construções LTDA (Palmeiras de Goiás-GO) - Eng. Agrônomo - 2014. Responsável Técnico pela Supressão Vegetal na área de mineração da Votorantim Cimentos Unidade Edealina-GO.

André LUIZ RODRIGUES DA SILVEIRA, Faculdade Araguaia

Doutor em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás, Professor Universitário da Faculdade Araguaia


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