
  • Tatiana Carilly Oliveira Andrade Faculdade Araguaia


Second, because the real does not exist, and the truth is not waiting to be unveiled, lessons that the philosopher Gaston Bachelard brings in his work The formation of the scientific spirit, in which he claims a psychoanalysis of knowledge, a reinvention of thought / knowledge. In this same direction, the philosopher Paulo Freire criticizes what he called banking education: This false conception of education, which is based on the deposit of reports in the students, constitutes, in essence, an obstacle to transformation. The educational systems that are based on it originate in a kind of palisade that holds creativity, since it does not develop in the midst of holistic formalism, but in the praxis of men, with each other, in the world and with the world that matters fundamentally to education, however, as an authentic gnosiological situation, is the problematization of the world of work, works, products, ideas, convictions, aspirations, myths, art, science, in short, the world of culture and of history, which, as a result of man-world relations, conditions men themselves, their creators. Instead of forming "docile bodies," manipulable subjects, regulated by school disciplines with ready and finished contents to be reproduced and serving current political and economic powers, one must seek to form the critical subject, capable of inquiring into the truth (s), to doubt before everything, to problematize.




